Self Care Examples

Examples of Self Care Resources for Students

The following resources were adapted from Blackboard content utilized in Spring 2020 by the Institute for Leadership Studies, developed by one of CTE's Faculty Consultants for Online and Flexible Teaching, Amy Leyerzapf.  Following the university’s decision to move courses online in response to COVID-19, LDST courses created a “Self Care” content area on the navigation pane of all departmental Blackboard sites.  The resources were organized into the content areas noted here and presented as weblinks with the URL’s embedded.

The goal was to balance brief and audience-appropriate research-based articles with critical University and COVID information and a variety of enrichment, engagement, and perhaps even a little evasion opportunities.

Why is self care important, particularly for college students and particularly now?

Resources for a “New Normal”

KU’s Coronavirus Health Care Guidance

National Institute for Mental Health

American Institute of Stress – 50 Signs of Stress

Navigating Isolation (The Guardian)    family-lockdown-guide-how-to-emotionally-prepare-for-coronavirus-quarantine?utm_source=pocket-newtab

Role of Humor in Navigating Stress (Psychology Today)

Social Distancing Wellness Recommendations

Balance Mindfulness and Movement

UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) meditations and podcasts

Lee Holden QiGong for Stress Relief

QiGong ("chee" gong) is an ancient movement and breath-based practice intended to move the qi (vital energy) throughout the body.  The flowing movements and breath demonstrated here are designed for stress relief.  Lee is one of the nation's preeminent practitioners of the practice here in the US.

Free streaming online yoga

Connect with Nature

San Diego Zoo livecam

Georgia Aquarium webcam

African Safari webcam

20 Minutes in Nature (Time Magazine)

Explore Arts and Culture

Broadway Plays and Musicals via livestream

Art from 14 Paris Museums

Art Institute of Chicago digitized collection

Learn-A-Language tutorials

Language podcasts courses


Screen Fatigue Recommendations

The time is WRITE!

Research suggests that the rate of feelings of depression and isolation increase proportionally with our screen time. Consider breaking the hold our devices have on us by powering down the TV, computer, tablet, and phone for a while and put an old fashioned pen to old fashioned paper.

  • Write a thank you note to someone who has made an impact on your life.
  • Write a letter to a friend or family member.
  • Write a letter to your past or future self.  What do you want to report back?  What do you want to remember?
  • Journal!  We are living in an extraordinary time.  What a cool record for our children's children.

Mo Willems YouTube lunch doodles

3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies

Microwave Popcorn Hacks

The Required Quarantine Banana Bread